For the Straw Bales construction the Straw is the main material to keep the structure of the building and taking the load as a wall because of that, massive pressure is needed to form many straw into one block so that the block of straw can be used on the construction.

Straw-bales can be made from a range of plant fibers, not only grass-family species like wheat, rye, barley, blue-grass and rice, but also flax, hemp, and so on.
Bales of recycled materials like paper, pasteboard, waxed cardboard, crushed plastics, whole tires and used carpeting have also all been used or are currently being explored for building.
Basic straw-bales are produced on farms and referred to as "field-bales". The size of the straws are come with different size, from small "two-string" ones 460 mm wide by 350 to 400 mm high and 0.8 to 1.2 m long to three-string "commercial bales" 6.4 m wide, by 4.8 m high, by 0.91 to 1.22 m long. These sizes range from 18 to 45 kg.
A newer trend is the use of high-density recompressed bales, sometimes called strawblocks, offering far higher compression strength. These bales, "remade" from field bales, in massive stationary presses producing up to 1 million pounds of force (4 MN), were originally developed for cargo-container transport to over-seas markets.
Both of the Straw bales that been mention above can be used for the construction of the building if you need to use straw bales as your construction material.
But as an water absorption material the water protection is needed for the walls if the straws bales are used as the construction other wise the water from rain may cause moisture and mold.
The water protection can provide both from the paint on the wall that been finished after the construction or the extra materials that been used during the construction of the straw bale wall such as house warp around the both side of the wall, the plaster board is another way to apply waterproof for the straw bales, The main idea is to keep the water or moisture away from the straw bales or give the moisture way to exit the entire structure so that the water won't keep in the wall for long time.
Because the straws is an expandable materials which may cause expand to itself then push other materials so the expanded metal is needed across all the junctions when construct the walls.

Straw-bales can be made from a range of plant fibers, not only grass-family species like wheat, rye, barley, blue-grass and rice, but also flax, hemp, and so on.
Bales of recycled materials like paper, pasteboard, waxed cardboard, crushed plastics, whole tires and used carpeting have also all been used or are currently being explored for building.
Basic straw-bales are produced on farms and referred to as "field-bales". The size of the straws are come with different size, from small "two-string" ones 460 mm wide by 350 to 400 mm high and 0.8 to 1.2 m long to three-string "commercial bales" 6.4 m wide, by 4.8 m high, by 0.91 to 1.22 m long. These sizes range from 18 to 45 kg.
A newer trend is the use of high-density recompressed bales, sometimes called strawblocks, offering far higher compression strength. These bales, "remade" from field bales, in massive stationary presses producing up to 1 million pounds of force (4 MN), were originally developed for cargo-container transport to over-seas markets.
Both of the Straw bales that been mention above can be used for the construction of the building if you need to use straw bales as your construction material.
But as an water absorption material the water protection is needed for the walls if the straws bales are used as the construction other wise the water from rain may cause moisture and mold.
The water protection can provide both from the paint on the wall that been finished after the construction or the extra materials that been used during the construction of the straw bale wall such as house warp around the both side of the wall, the plaster board is another way to apply waterproof for the straw bales, The main idea is to keep the water or moisture away from the straw bales or give the moisture way to exit the entire structure so that the water won't keep in the wall for long time.

Because the straws is an expandable materials which may cause expand to itself then push other materials so the expanded metal is needed across all the junctions when construct the walls.